Fanfiction a cui è ispirata: "Skeletons" di Moon_Maiden36.
Genere: Romantico.
Pairing: Alexander/Edward.
Rating: PG
AVVISI: Fluff, Incest, Inglese, Spoiler.
- It's Edward's birthday, but who's the real gifted one...?
Commento dell'autrice: Hi all è_é I don't exactly know what this thing is... longest than a triple drabble, shorter than a flashfic...
Well, it's something °_°"""
And it's for the contest è_______é! So, Happy Birthday Ed *_*
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. Original characters and plots are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

"I’m adoring you
It’s so good
You’re so beautiful
I’m black and blue all over"

The shadow surrounding us isn’t just enough to turn off the light of your hair. Which is something really strange, if you think about it, because it’s not like they’re shining of their own light, it’s not like they’re the Sun or anything else, they’re just hair, they’re just your hair, but…
…oh, well, I’m talking nonsense.
What I mean – you’re wonderful.
So protective.
So sensitive.
So patient.
So passionate.
And I could go on forever enumerating your good qualities. I’m stopping now only because I’m terribly frightened to be too dull.
But you really are my salvation.
I realized it today, during the party.
Your eyes wide opened in surprise, your smile getting bigger and bigger as you looked your little house filled with friends’ faces, Rosie, Amy, Lisa, Todd, the walls, former grey, decorated in full colours, and the cake, big, huge, dominating the room from the height of its three-lays perfection, and…
…and you getting beautiful more and more, as joy filled you.
And then I knew it. That I don’t give a fuck of what we should and shouldn’t be, I just want to see you smile, because your smile saves me every day of my life.
We’re sinners, you know, brother? But every single day your smile is just enough to save both of us. Because it’s so pure and bright that really makes me believe that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to see it. And, since it’s so pure, then, everything I do to reach it it’s pure too. Even if it’s an incestuous relationship. Even if it’s forbidden kisses and hugs. Even if it’s sinful pleasures and sighs.
You see? I’m totally crazy for you. It’s so inexplicable. And obvious, too.
Aah, I feel so confused right now. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s five in the morning and I should be sleeping. Maybe it’s because I’m tired. Maybe it’s because of your closeness, too.
But, as I lay down next to you in the bed, I feel somehow sorry.
It’s your birthday, after all.
And I’m the gifted one.
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