Spin-off/seguito di Leonard Karofsky-Hummel Vs. The World.
Genere: Introspettivo, Romantico.
Pairing: Blaine/OMC.
Rating: R.
AVVERTIMENTI: Slash, Lime, Underage, OC, Spin-off, Flashfic.
- “So you’re endangering your life and your freedom, secretly running away to see me?”
Note: Scritta nel corso della Notte Bianca #4, su prompt Why d'ya have to be so cute? / It's impossible to ignore you / Must you make me laugh so much / It's bad enough we get along so well / Say goodnight and go (Imogen Heap, Goodnight And Go).
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. Original characters and plots are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
it’s just something that we do

Leonard arrives late, and he doesn’t even say he’s sorry about it. He doesn’t really need to, that goes without saying, but still the fact that he doesn’t even show sadness for not coming on time somehow disturbs Blaine deeply, though he knows it shouldn’t. He should just stop feeling so affected by everything Leo does. But it’s hard, and he doesn’t even know why.

“It was hard to leave daddy behind,” Leo explains, throwing away his backpack and then jumping on the huge bed filling half of the space in Blaine’s hotel room, while he kicks away his shoes, “He wanted to call Annie while I was still there to be sure she knew I was going there, and I wasn’t lying. Luckily,” he adds with a little smirk, “she already knew what to say.”

“Your dad’s going to kick my ass so hard, kid,” Blaine can’t help but laugh as he moves closer to the boy, sitting right beside him. “Are you sure he doesn’t know? Or suspect?”

“Believe me,” Leo answers with a bright smile, instantly moving closer to him, as if drawn to his body thanks to some magnetic field, “if he knew, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be grounded. Probably for the rest of my life.”

“I see,” Blaine chuckles, moving one of his arms away to give Leo more space, and looking at him while he snuggles closer like the kid he is, brushing the tip of his nose against the fabric of Blaine’s shirt, one hand wandering on his chest, fingers sneaking between two buttons to catch the lightest touch of the warmth of Blaine’s skin underneath his clothes. “So you’re endangering your life and your freedom, secretly running away to see me?”

“That’s right,” Leo says, nodding quickly. Blaine chuckles again, but the laugh fades away when he sees Leo’s lips curling up in a smile that tries so hard to be sexy it turns hilarious and then even sexier that it would be if Leo just knew how to be sensual. “So you better make it worth it.”

Blaine just nods, and he doesn’t even know why. It’s just so stupid. Why should he nod, why should he promise this kid he’s going to make the time they spend together worth the risk he’s facing to just get there? Leo keeps saying it’s just sex between them. That’s what Blaine should think too. Except he can’t.

He wraps his arms around him and Leonard raises his own, to let him free to do whatever he wants. The way he carelessly gives himself away to him makes Blaine shiver inside. It makes him worry, it makes him scared, and he’s never been scared of sex in his life. Not for a very long time, anyway. And that’s what frightens him the most.

Blaine kisses him, holding him close until he hears him whimper, fidgeting under his body because he wants to see more, he wants to taste more, he wants to touch more, he wants to feel more. Leo never asks for anything, he leaves Blaine to guess. And that’s something else that terrifies Blaine so much. He always guesses right.


Leonard lies beside him, breathing hard. His chest goes up and down with every breath, and Blaine just came out of his body and already feels like wanting to go back in again.

He’s so fucking beautiful. This kid is just so fucking beautiful, Blaine can’t help himself. He can feel himself falling. He doesn’t know how to stop. In only happened once that he could see what was coming without knowing how to stop it. That ended bad, and he can’t help to think it’s going to be just the same. He’s not ready for this. Not with a kid this age. He’s not ready. He probably never will.

He should just tell him to go. And yet, all he can do is wrap his arms around him, and ask him to stay.
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